female public urinating device female public urinating device public_whizz public

Welcome to She Pee

She Pee (P-Mate) is a product that allows women to wee standing up without giving anything away

  • Do you desperately need the toilet but you can’t find one?
  • Do you queue for a long time when you find a toilet?
  • When you get into the cubicle is it so dirty you would rather not bother?
  • Do you sometimes wish you could go anywhere, like the men do?
  • Are there times when squatting just doesn’t seem appropriate?
  • Do you think sitting on a public toilet compromises your personal hygiene?
  • Do you get uncomfortable trying to hold in your pee while hunting for a clean toilet?


She Pee (P-Mate) is your Solution

She Pee (P-Mate) is a portable device small enough to fit in your pocket, purse or bag

Top She Pee Moments
  • Festivals – when portaloos are too awful to consider sitting on
  • Camping – when you don’t want to bare your bum in the bush
  • Queues – you’re caught in line but there’s nowhere to pee without losing your place and your mystique
  • Pubs, clubs and concerts – when queuing for hours and hovering over the loo may be the only option because the toilet is so gross
  • Public toilets – when you don’t want to perch your bum where thousands of germs have gone before
  • On the road – when you can’t wait for the next rest step
  • Trains, planes and automobiles – when facilities can be too vile to sit on
  • Travelling – third world toilets can be best avoided
  • Skiing – don’t get caught short on the piste
  • Boating – when your choice may be a bucket or a hole
  • Pregnancy – weak bladders doesn’t have to be a nightmare
She Pee - PMATE - the female public urinating device from
public portable toilet
pee standing